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Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Ich kümmere mich um Prudence Sitcom, USA 2004 Altersfreigabe: Ohne Altersbeschränkung. Bei Charlie spielen die Gefühle verrückt, als seine Haushälterin Berta ihre 16-


15.05.24 Wed 13:55 14:20

Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Bereit für die Großaufnahme Sitcom, USA 2003 Altersfreigabe: Ohne Altersbeschränkung (WH vom Mittwoch, 15.05.2024, 13:25 Uhr). Der Zufall will es, dass Charlie und Alan wÃ


16.05.24 Th. 13:50 14:15

Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Ich kümmere mich um Prudence Sitcom, USA 2004 Altersfreigabe: Ohne Altersbeschränkung (WH vom Mittwoch, 15.05.2024, 13:55 Uhr). Bei Charlie spielen die Gefühle verrückt,


16.05.24 Th. 14:15 14:45

Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men Im Bett mit Angina Sitcom, USA 2004 Altersfreigabe: ab 6. Charlie, der hinter seiner attraktiven Nachbarin her ist, bekommt die Chance seines Lebens. Zusammen mit Alan plant er ein


16.05.24 Th. 14:45 15:10

Modern Family: Benched Luke and Mannys hot-tempered basketball coach quits during a game causing Jay and Phil to jockey to fill the position Mitchell takes Cameron along to meet a prospective employer.


11.05.24 Sat 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: Earthquake When an earthquake hits Claire gets stuck in the bathroom with the plumber Manny experiences an existential crisis while out with Jay Mitchell and Cameron use the quake as an excuse to get out of a pa


14.05.24 Tue 00:00 00:30

Modern Family: Strangers on a Treadmill Claire and Mitchell try to spare their significant others from embarrassment Haley tries to teach Alex how to be cool.


14.05.24 Tue 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: Chirp Claire and Haley are stuck at home sick the taunting of a chirping smoke detector has Phil preoccupied Gloria and Mannys surprise visit at Jays work leads to headaches for him Cameron takes Lily for a


15.05.24 Wed 00:00 00:30

Modern Family: The Kiss Gloria decides to honor her late grandmother by cooking more traditional Colombian meals Claire finds out Alex is interested in a boy Mitchells aversion to public displays of affection causes an argum


15.05.24 Wed 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: The Old Wagon Phil finally agrees to sell the old station wagon but only after a family trip down memory lane Cameron asks Jay for help when Mitchell decides to build a life-size princess castle for Lily.


16.05.24 Th. 00:00 00:30

Friends: The One With the Tea Leaves Rachel devises a lie about her unborn child that she hopes will break the silence between her and Joey Phoebe reads tea leaves and predicts she will soon encounter the man of her dreams.


16.05.24 Th. 00:00 00:30

Modern Family: Unplugged Phil and Claire announce a family challenge after noticing how busy everyone is with electronic devices Cameron and Mitchell try to get Lily into a good preschool.


16.05.24 Th. 00:30 01:00

Two and a Half Men: Captain Terrys Spray-On Hair Charlie discovers he has not been satisfying Chelsea Alan attempts to cure his thinning hair without spending much money.


16.05.24 Th. 00:30 01:00

Two and a Half Men: City of Great Racks Although Charlie is getting closer to Linda he begins to see Roses face wherever he looks.


16.05.24 Th. 02:30 03:00

Mom: Twinkle Lights and Grandma Shoes Bonnie gets cold feet when considering her future with Adam Christy risks failing a test to help a fellow alcoholic.


16.05.24 Th. 03:00 03:30

Modern Family: Mother Tucker Camerons mother Celia Weston makes Mitchell uncomfortable Haley breaks up with Dylan.


17.05.24 Fri 00:00 00:30

Friends: The One in Massapequa Phoebe brings her annoyingly upbeat boyfriend to the 35th anniversary of Monica and Ross parents who urge Ross and pregnant Rachel to pretend to be married.


17.05.24 Fri 00:00 00:30

Modern Family: Dance Dance Revelation Luke and Manny have their first school dance Jay and Phil take Luke and Manny on a mall run that becomes quite stressful Mitch and Cam learn that Lily is biting other kids on the playground.


17.05.24 Fri 00:30 01:00

Two and a Half Men: Thats Why They Call It Ball Room Charlie discovers that Chelsea has not been completely honest about her finances.


17.05.24 Fri 00:30 01:00

Two and a Half Men: Putting Swim Fins on a Cat Charlie has to entertain his girlfriends 4-year-old son Alan becomes a human guinea pig.


17.05.24 Fri 02:30 03:00
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