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Farscape Look at the Princess: A Kiss Is but a Kiss. Moya and her crew land on a planet just in time to celebrate the coronation of a new royal couple but there is a catch - the princess has not found her prin

science fiction

15.11.22 Tue 20:00 21:00

Farscape Look at the Princess: A Kiss Is but a Kiss. Moya and her crew land on a planet just in time to celebrate the coronation of a new royal couple but there is a catch - the princess has not found her prin

science fiction

16.11.22 Wed 02:00 03:00

Star Trek: The Next Generation Skin of Evil. An away team beams down to Vegra II to rescue Troi and her pilot from their damaged shuttle craft but the planet is inhabited by the malevolent Armus.

science fiction

16.11.22 Wed 18:00 19:00

Farscape Look at the Princess: I Do I Think. A quick turn of events sees Crichton chosen as the unwilling groom-to-be in the upcoming royal wedding.

science fiction

16.11.22 Wed 20:05 21:00

Farscape Look at the Princess: I Do I Think. A quick turn of events sees Crichton chosen as the unwilling groom-to-be in the upcoming royal wedding.

science fiction

17.11.22 Th. 02:05 03:00

Farscape Look at the Princess: The Maltese Crichton. Crichton must choose between marrying the princess or turning himself in to Scorpius while Aeryn comes to terms with her own feelings.

science fiction

17.11.22 Th. 20:05 21:00

Farscape Look at the Princess: The Maltese Crichton. Crichton must choose between marrying the princess or turning himself in to Scorpius while Aeryn comes to terms with her own feelings.

science fiction

18.11.22 Fri 02:05 03:00

Star Trek: The Next Generation We ll Always Have Paris. When Dr Paul Manheims time experiments malfunction on Vandor IV threatening to rip open the fabric of space Picard must not only find a way to stabilise the damage but come to

science fiction

18.11.22 Fri 10:00 11:00

Star Trek: The Next Generation Conspiracy. Spurred by reports of misdeeds in Starfleets top echelon Picard heads for Earth to uncover the truth.

science fiction

18.11.22 Fri 18:00 19:00

Farscape Beware of the Dog. A crew member falls prey to a shape-shifting parasite and the rest of the crew must locate it before it is too late.

science fiction

18.11.22 Fri 20:05 21:00

The Titan In the near future Earths resources are exhausted and humanitys only hope of salvation lies in travelling to a distant planet. A military family is relocated so they can participate in an experiment i

science fiction

18.11.22 Fri 21:00 23:00

Farscape Beware of the Dog. A crew member falls prey to a shape-shifting parasite and the rest of the crew must locate it before it is too late.

science fiction

19.11.22 Sat 02:00 03:00

Martian Land In the future humans living in domed cities on Mars must contend with lethal sandstorms that breach their defences.

science fiction

20.11.22 Sun 01:00 02:50

Star Trek: The Next Generation The Neutral Zone. Waiting for Captain Picards return from a Federation conference the Enterprise crew discovers a disabled 20th-century Earth satellite containing three perfectly preserved bodies froz

science fiction

21.11.22 Mon 18:00 19:00

Farscape The Locket. The crew races to save Crichton after contact with a Hyper Stream of Time speeds up his ageing process.

science fiction

21.11.22 Mon 20:00 21:00

Farscape The Locket. The crew races to save Crichton after contact with a Hyper Stream of Time speeds up his ageing process.

science fiction

22.11.22 Tue 02:00 03:00

Farscape The Ugly Truth. The crew faces death after a Plokavian ship meets its fate under suspicious circumstances. With Ben Browder.

science fiction

22.11.22 Tue 20:00 21:00

Kill Command In the near future a training exercise leads to a fight for survival when Marines encounter advanced military robots on a remote island.

science fiction

23.11.22 Wed 00:45 02:45

Farscape The Ugly Truth. The crew faces death after a Plokavian ship meets its fate under suspicious circumstances. With Ben Browder.

science fiction

23.11.22 Wed 02:00 03:00

Star Trek: The Next Generation Where Silence Has Lease. En route to the Morgana Quadrant the Enterprise is trapped in a mysterious void controlled by an alien wishing to learn the ways of human life - and death.

science fiction

23.11.22 Wed 18:00 19:00
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