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Title Genre Date From To

Star Trek All Our Yesterdays. Kirk spends the last hours of a doomed planet in a library with an extraordinary database which strips 50 centuries of Vulcan civilisation from Mr Spock.

science fiction

31.01.24 Wed 16:00 17:00

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Its Only a Paper Moon. After losing his leg in battle Nog takes refuge from the trauma in the holographic world of lounge singer Vic Fontaine.

science fiction

31.01.24 Wed 18:00 19:00

The Day of the Triffids A meteor shower blinds nearly everyone on Earth leaving behind intelligent mobile plants. As the plant-monsters continue to multiply and seek human prey the remaining sighted people join forces to com

science fiction

04.02.24 Sun 22:50 00:45

Starship Troopers A young trooper finds himself fighting a deadly enemy force when the earth is threatened by regiments of giant insects from outer space. When the idealistic teenager enlists in the army he is put thro

science fiction

09.02.24 Fri 00:15 01:35

Quatermass and the Pit Cult chiller about the discovery of a mysterious spaceship buried in mud during the building of an extension to the London Underground system. At first experts believe it to be an unexploded bomb from

science fiction

09.02.24 Fri 01:00 03:00

Saturn 3 A couple of space-station dwellers are menaced by a scientist and his amorous android. The robot is dismantled but soon finds a way of putting his parts back in the right order and continuing his ques

science fiction

11.02.24 Sun 02:50 04:30

Andromeda Shadows Cast by a Final Salute. While a group of Nietzscheans arrive taking some of the crew hostage and demanding both the bones of Drago Musevini and the Maru Tyr disappears.

science fiction

14.02.24 Wed 19:00 20:00

Total Recall Doug Quaid has an ordinary life although he dreams nightly of Mars - a planet he has never visited. Determined to find the meaning of these dreams he visits Rekall Inc - a specialist in memory implant

science fiction

17.02.24 Sat 22:35 23:45

Total Recall Doug Quaid has an ordinary life although he dreams nightly of Mars - a planet he has never visited. Determined to find the meaning of these dreams he visits Rekall Inc - a specialist in memory implant

science fiction

17.02.24 Sat 23:50 00:50

Iron Sky: The Coming Race Twenty years after the events of Iron Sky the former Nazi Moonbase has become the last refuge of mankind. The truth behind the creation of mankind will be revealed when an old enemy leads our heroes o

science fiction

19.02.24 Mon 21:00 22:55

Minority Report Minority Report (2002) Steven Spielbergs sci-fi thriller asks the question - what if crimes could be solved before they happen? Tom Cruise stars as a pre-crime chief who gets fingered by his own syst

science fiction

21.02.24 Wed 00:20 03:10

Independence Day: Resurgence Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) Sci-fi blockbuster sequel starring Jeff Goldblum. Twenty years after Earth repelled a devastating alien invasion, the extraterrestrials return to finish the job.

science fiction

23.02.24 Fri 22:00 00:25

The Titan In the near future Earths resources are exhausted and humanitys only hope of salvation lies in travelling to a distant planet. A military family is relocated so they can participate in an experiment i

science fiction

27.02.24 Tue 01:00 03:00

Star Trek The Corbomite Maneuver. When the Enterprise encounters a mysterious spacecraft Captain Kirk is forced to bluff his way out of a dangerous situation.

science fiction

01.03.24 Fri 17:00 18:00

Star Trek Dagger of the Mind. Capt Kirk investigates the penal colony on Tantalus when a prominent doctor claiming patient abuses smuggles himself on board the Enterprise.

science fiction

29.02.24 Th. 17:00 18:00

Prospect A man and his teenage daughter encounter nonstop danger while searching for valuable gems on an alien moon.

science fiction

29.02.24 Th. 21:00 23:00

Star Trek Beyond Star Trek Beyond (2016) Sci-fi adventure starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg and Idris Elba. The Enterprise is sent on a dangerous rescue mission, far beyond the Federations

science fiction

03.03.24 Sun 19:40 22:00

War for the Planet of the Apes War for the Planet of the Apes (2017) Andy Serkis reprises his pioneering role as super-intelligent primate Caesar for the third part of the rebooted Apes saga, and its all-out war between apes and h

science fiction

03.03.24 Sun 22:00 00:40

The Terrornauts Project Star Talk is based at a UK radio telescope site and its mission is to listen for radio signals from other intelligence. The observatory is transported to an asteroid where the crew discover st

science fiction

03.03.24 Sun 22:50 00:20

Star Trek The Conscience of the King. Capt Kirk investigates an old friends claim that a mass executioner thought to have been dead 20 years is alive and masquerading as an actor.

science fiction

06.03.24 Wed 17:00 18:00
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