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Star Trek Mark of Gideon. When Captain Kirk attempts to transport down onto the planet Gideon he fails to materialise. Instead he finds himself alone on the deserted Enterprise where he is haunted by the sounds

science fiction

21.01.24 Sun 20:00 21:00

Biggles: Adventures in Time James Biggles Bigglesworth and 1980s Jim Ferguson discover they have the ability to travel through time to each others eras. Determined to stop the Germans changing the outcome of World War One the du

science fiction

22.01.24 Mon 06:00 07:50

Children of Dune Wensicia proposes a political marriage between her son and Ghanima. Leto embarks on the Golden Path and returns a transformed being.

science fiction

22.01.24 Mon 08:00 09:50

Andromeda Cui Bono. Bekas uncle Sid who once tried to murder her turns up and announces his intention to stand for leader of the Commonwealth but is Beka the only one holding a grudge against him

science fiction

22.01.24 Mon 10:00 11:00

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Shadows and Symbols. Sisko meets Ezri the new host of the Dax symbiont before departing Earth for the planet Tyree with his father Joseph and son Jake as he begins his search for Bajors mythical Orb o

science fiction

22.01.24 Mon 10:00 11:00

2021 War Of The Worlds Sibling astronomers join forces with the military when hostile aliens attack Earth.

science fiction

22.01.24 Mon 13:00 14:50

Andromeda Cui Bono. Bekas uncle Sid who once tried to murder her turns up and announces his intention to stand for leader of the Commonwealth but is Beka the only one holding a grudge against him

science fiction

22.01.24 Mon 15:00 16:00

Star Trek Mark of Gideon. When Captain Kirk attempts to transport down onto the planet Gideon he fails to materialise. Instead he finds himself alone on the deserted Enterprise where he is haunted by the sounds

science fiction

22.01.24 Mon 16:00 17:00

Star Trek Is There in Truth No Beauty. Special security measures are in force for the visit of a Medusan ambassador - because any human who sees them would be struck blind. However Spock is fascinated by the po

science fiction

22.01.24 Mon 17:00 18:00

Biggles: Adventures in Time James Biggles Bigglesworth and 1980s Jim Ferguson discover they have the ability to travel through time to each others eras. Determined to stop the Germans changing the outcome of World War One the du

science fiction

22.01.24 Mon 17:00 18:50

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Afterimage. Ezri Daxs arrival brings conflicting emotions for everyone on the station.

science fiction

22.01.24 Mon 18:00 19:00

Andromeda The Lone and Level Sands. The Eureka Maru comes under attack from the Ogami but its when the mysterious Bellerophon comes to the rescue that things get really interesting.

science fiction

22.01.24 Mon 19:00 20:00

Star Trek That Which Survives. A landing party is stranded light years from the ship and becomes the quarry in a deadly game of chase. The hunter is a beautiful woman who has been programmed to kill presenting

science fiction

22.01.24 Mon 20:00 21:00

Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace Virtual Reality is just a computer-generated dimension it could never replace the real world. After all theres a clear line between fantasy and reality. Its a line that preserves order and distinguish

science fiction

23.01.24 Tue 01:10 03:00

2021 War Of The Worlds Sibling astronomers join forces with the military when hostile aliens attack Earth.

science fiction

23.01.24 Tue 08:00 09:50

Andromeda The Lone and Level Sands. The Eureka Maru comes under attack from the Ogami but its when the mysterious Bellerophon comes to the rescue that things get really interesting.

science fiction

23.01.24 Tue 10:00 11:00

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Afterimage. Ezri Daxs arrival brings conflicting emotions for everyone on the station.

science fiction

23.01.24 Tue 10:00 11:00

Biggles: Adventures in Time James Biggles Bigglesworth and 1980s Jim Ferguson discover they have the ability to travel through time to each others eras. Determined to stop the Germans changing the outcome of World War One the du

science fiction

23.01.24 Tue 11:00 12:50

Battle Star Wars When the leader of an evil galactic coalition threatens to destroy a rebel planet for its resources his daughter has no choice but to turn against him and fight for what is right.

science fiction

23.01.24 Tue 13:00 14:50

Apocalypse of Ice When earthquakes cause a massive polar vortex that covers most of the planet a family must make their way to a safe zone at the equator.

science fiction

23.01.24 Tue 13:00 14:50
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