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Ex Machina Ex Machina (2013) Sci-fi thriller. A young programmer agrees to help a reclusive genius to test whether his lifelike android has consciousness, with dramatic results. Strong language/violence. [S]

science fiction

28.05.22 Sat 23:20 01:30

Tornado Warning As aliens attack Earth using deadly electrical tornadoes a farmer his high school daughter and a tornado blogger race against the clock to find a way to thwart the impending invasion.

science fiction

23.06.22 Th. 19:10 21:00

Area 51 Area 51 (2015) Sci-fi horror. Four friends attempt to break into the US Air Force base in Nevada, where they believe the government is hiding evidence of extraterrestrial life. Strong language. [S]

science fiction

14.07.22 Th. 02:10 04:00

Maze Runner: The Death Cure Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018) Finale to the dystopian sci-fi action saga. As the Flare virus ravages the planet, the WCKD organisation experiments on children to find a cure. Can the Gladers sav

science fiction

16.07.22 Sat 00:10 02:35

Johnny Mnemonic In the near future industrial espionage of information systems is so rife couriers have the information transmitted into implants in their brain that can hold gigabytes of information. Johnny Mnemonic

science fiction

21.07.22 Th. 22:55 00:45

Universal Soldier Futuristic military tale about two brawny American soldiers in Vietnam who kill each other in a dispute and are reconstructed and programmed by the US government to become invincible fighting machines

science fiction

21.07.22 Th. 22:55 00:55

Super 8 Super 8 (2011) Sci-fi thriller with Joel Courtney and Elle Fanning. Children witness a train crash that heralds strange events and a dangerous presence in their town. Violence. [AD,S,W]

science fiction

22.07.22 Fri 18:45 21:00

RoboCop In a violent near-apocalyptic Detroit evil corporation Omni Consumer Products wins a contract from the city government to privatise the police force. To test their crime-eradicating cyborgs the compan

science fiction

22.07.22 Fri 21:00 23:05

Independence Day Independence Day (1996) Sci-fi action-thriller with Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum. A US Air Force pilot and a scientist battle aliens who have begun destroying Earths cities and stripping its resource

science fiction

26.07.22 Tue 18:10 21:00

The Darkest Minds The Darkest Minds (2018) Dystopian sci-fi adventure. In a future where most children have been wiped out by disease, the remaining adolescents have developed superpowers, making adults fear them. Vio

science fiction

05.08.22 Fri 23:20 01:25

I Robot I, Robot (2004) Sci-fi action-thriller. A technophobic cop (Will Smith) investigates a crime that may have been perpetrated by a robot, posing a possible threat to humanity. Violent battle scenes. [A

science fiction

11.08.22 Th. 21:00 23:20

Johnny Mnemonic In the near future industrial espionage of information systems is so rife couriers have the information transmitted into implants in their brain that can hold gigabytes of information. Johnny Mnemonic

science fiction

06.09.22 Tue 21:00 22:55

Divergent Divergent In a post-apocalyptic Chicago, one girls personality traits mark her out as dangerous. She joins forces with fellow outcasts to discover why they are feared. [2014] [S] [HD]

science fiction

14.09.22 Wed 21:00 23:10

Ad Astra Ad Astra (2019) Sci-fi with Brad Pitt as a famously cool astronaut sent to the edges of the solar system to save Earth from deadly power surges. With Tommy Lee Jones. Violence/some strong language. [

science fiction

28.09.22 Wed 21:00 23:20

Farscape Premiere. Commander John Crichton sets out on a simple space flight to prove that the Earths gravity can be used to propel a space craft on its way to maximum velocity. As his test begins ground contr

science fiction

30.09.22 Fri 20:00 21:00

Time Tunnel Pirates of Deadmans Island. Tony and Doug land among Barbary Coast pirates as Capt. Stephen Decatur Charles Bateman prepares to attack.

science fiction

05.10.22 Wed 18:00 19:00

Time Tunnel Pirates of Deadmans Island. Tony and Doug land among Barbary Coast pirates as Capt. Stephen Decatur Charles Bateman prepares to attack.

science fiction

06.10.22 Th. 10:00 11:00

Time Tunnel Chase Through Time. The time travelers face a bizarre future society and a prehistoric monster to stop a traitor Robert Duvall .

science fiction

07.10.22 Fri 10:00 11:00

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows USA 2016 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Actionfilm, USA/HK/CHN 2016. Die Turtles müssen erneut gegen ihren alten Feind Shredder kämpfen, der inzwischen neue Verbündete gewonnen hat: die Mu

science fiction

20.10.22 Th. 02:40 04:20

Underwater Underwater (2020) Sci-fi horror with Kristen Stewart. Disaster strikes at an underwater facility when seabed drilling causes an earthquake, drawing the attention of a lurking menace. Strong language.

science fiction

31.10.22 Mon 21:00 22:50
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