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Lingo Lingo Working out the words this time are Londoners Angela and her daughter Vizella, mates Marcus and Liam from West Sussex, and auntie and niece Kate and Freya from Surrey and Herts. [S,HD] S3 Ep5


14.06.24 Fri 15:00 16:00

Tipping Point Tipping Point Ben Shephard hosts the quiz show in which four players take on an extraordinary machine in the hope of winning a cash jackpot. [S,HD]


14.06.24 Fri 16:00 17:00

Celebrity Catchphrase Celebrity Catchphrase Stephen Mulhern hosts a celebrity special of the classic game show with Richard Ayoade, Katie McGlynn, and Joe Swash all trying to say what they see in aid of charity. [AD,S,HD]


14.06.24 Fri 18:00 19:00

Tierduell Leopard Pavian. Fuer Patricia fuehrt der Weg diesmal in das Reich der Nager denn Jojo moechte von ihr dass sie ein Tier mit Nagezaehnen findet das Hoehlen graebt und rasseln kann. Ob Patricia wohl err


14.06.24 Fri 12:40 12:50

Tierduell Jojo ist dran mit Raten und Patricia hat sich eine richtig knifflige Frage überlegt: Welches Tier mag es nass hat kein Hirn aber dafür einen Schirm Kein einfaches Raetsel aber Jojo hat eine Idee und


14.06.24 Fri 12:50 13:10

Die Beni-Challenge Die Beni Challenge Benis Promi-Wettkampf Kindersendung, D 2024


15.06.24 Sat 09:55 10:20

Die Beni-Challenge Die Beni Challenge Benis Promi-Wettkampf Kindersendung, D 2024


16.06.24 Sun 16:10 16:40

Tierduell Hund Seelowe Erdmannchen. Jojo stellt Patricia die Aufgabe ein Tier mit schwarzen Flecken zu finden das blitzschnell ist und sein Essen aus der Luft faengt. Kein Problem für Patricia die sich sicher


12.06.24 Wed 12:40 12:50

Tierduell Tierduell Fledermaus, Schopfhirsch, Klippschliefer Show, D 2019


12.06.24 Wed 12:50 13:10

Tierduell Tierduell Igel, Tausendfuser, Seestern Show, D 2019


13.06.24 Th. 12:40 12:50

Tierduell Tierduell Schildkrote, Schnecke, Dungkafer Show, D 2019


13.06.24 Th. 12:50 13:10

Wipeout USA Wipeout USA Its a Dirty Job But Someones Got to Wipeout: All of these 24 contestants hunger for both the glory of being Wipeout Champion and the generous cash prize! (S6 Ep17)


14.06.24 Fri 11:00 12:00

Wipeout USA Wipeout USA Fall In The Family (Part 1/2): Family teams compete in this special episode of Wipeout. Will any of them go home with both the glory of being Wipeout Champion. (S7 Ep1)


14.06.24 Fri 12:00 13:00

Wipeout USA Back To School. An audience of students watches as teachers compete for the prize facing obstacles that include the Cruel Bus and Wipeout Skate Park.


12.06.24 Wed 07:05 08:00

Wipeout USA Wipeout USA Welcome Back, Jill: Another batch of brave fools believe they can best the Wipeout assault course. Find out how wrong they truly are. (S6 EP01)


12.06.24 Wed 08:00 09:00

Wipeout USA Wipeout USA How Jill got her Groove Back: America is often touted as the land of the brave and the bold which these 24 contestants exemplify in their attempt to best the Wipeout course! (S6 Ep13)


12.06.24 Wed 11:00 12:00

Wipeout USA Wipeout USA For years the Wipeout assault course has beckoned athletes from across the states. Will any of these overly confident americans see victory? (S6 Ep14)


12.06.24 Wed 12:00 13:00

Wipeout USA Welcome Back Jill. Contestants tackle obstacles including Big Balls Barsy Bot 3000 and Octopushy in hope of winning 50 000.


13.06.24 Th. 07:05 08:00

Wipeout USA Wipeout USA Night of the Living Big Balls: A new day dawns on the Wipeout assault course as a fresh batch of Wipeouteers dare to take on the challenge. (S6 EP02)


13.06.24 Th. 08:00 09:00

Wipeout USA Wipeout USA Blind Date: Even Blinder (Part 1/2): 24 contestants will risk watery humiliation in an attempt to claim glory, a cash prize and in this special episode love is also on the cards. (S6 Ep15


13.06.24 Th. 11:00 12:00
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