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The Next Step The Next Step Tomorrow. When the moles identity is revealed, Richelle and the Step Inside cast must start from scratch the day before their big performance! [S] [HD]

kinder j. sonstiges

27.10.22 Th. 18:35 18:58

The Next Step The Next Step You Cant Stop the Beat. With showtime approaching, and an online audience waiting, the pressure is on. However, Richelle discovers she may be about to lose everything she has worked for

kinder j. sonstiges

28.10.22 Fri 10:45 11:05

The Next Step The Next Step One Song Glory. Piper and Amy bet on themselves in an attempt to impress Drew before Richelle, and TNS dance what might be their final number as a team. [S] [HD]

kinder j. sonstiges

28.10.22 Fri 11:05 11:30

The Next Step The Next Step: Spilling the Tea Get the Par-Tea Started. An influencer stirs things up at The Next Step when she tries to unearth all the drama for her social media. [S] [HD]

kinder j. sonstiges

28.10.22 Fri 11:30 11:50

The Next Step The Next Step You Cant Stop the Beat. With showtime approaching, and an online audience waiting, the pressure is on. However, Richelle discovers she may be about to lose everything she has worked for

kinder j. sonstiges

28.10.22 Fri 18:35 18:58

Family Ties: The Boys Next Door Elyses high-school admirer Robert Klein now a millionaire tries to steal her away from Steven.


03.11.22 Th. 14:30 15:00

Family Ties: The Boys Next Door Elyses high-school admirer Robert Klein now a millionaire tries to steal her away from Steven.


03.11.22 Th. 17:30 18:00

The Next Step The Next Step I Can Do That. New, talented and hungry dancers show up for the challenge, so B-troupe better bring it! Outside the studio, some old A-troupers have an audition of their own. [S] [HD]

kinder j. sonstiges

04.11.22 Fri 18:35 18:58

The Next Step The Next Step One Song Glory. Piper and Amy bet on themselves in an attempt to impress Drew before Richelle, and TNS dance what might be their final number as a team. [S] [HD]

kinder j. sonstiges

01.11.22 Tue 18:35 18:58

The Next Step The Next Step Today for You, Tomorrow for Me. The nationals are back on - but which team is going? A-troupe or B-troupe? [S] [HD]

kinder j. sonstiges

02.11.22 Wed 18:35 18:58

The Next Step The Next Step Journey to the Past. Cleo wonders whether the right team is going to the nationals, and Richelle is brought to breaking point by someone she hoped to never see again. [S] [HD]

kinder j. sonstiges

03.11.22 Th. 18:35 18:58

The Next Step The Next Step I Can Do That. New, talented and hungry dancers show up for the challenge, so B-troupe better bring it! Outside the studio, some old A-troupers have an audition of their own. [S] [HD]

kinder j. sonstiges

30.10.22 Sun 16:30 16:50

Star Trek: The Next Generation Hide and Q. Q gives superhuman powers to Riker and tells him his shipmates wishes will be granted if he joins with Q.

science fiction

31.10.22 Mon 10:00 11:00

Star Trek: The Next Generation Haven. Counsellor Deanna Troi is torn between her feelings for Riker and her devotion to family customs when she faces a pre-arranged marriage.

science fiction

31.10.22 Mon 18:00 19:00

Mega desastres: The Next Pompeii Tres millones de italianos habitan la zona de peligro del monte Vesubio que en el año 79 a. C. sepultó la ciudad romana de Pompeya y mató a unas cinco mil personas.


05.11.22 Sat 12:00 13:00

The Burns and Allen Show: Gracie Tries to Select Georges Next Wife Gracies mapping out the future when she interviews candidates to decide who will be the next Mrs. George Burns.


11.11.22 Fri 06:30 07:00

The Next Step The Next Step Never Had a Friend Like Me. Kenzie goes through her first challenge as dance captain of A-Troupe, and Kingston has trouble picking a duet partner. [S] [HD]

kinder j. sonstiges

05.11.22 Sat 15:50 16:10

Star Trek: The Next Generation Haven. Counsellor Deanna Troi is torn between her feelings for Riker and her devotion to family customs when she faces a pre-arranged marriage.

science fiction

06.11.22 Sun 10:00 11:00

Star Trek: The Next Generation The Big Goodbye. The captain and three crew members are trapped in San Francisco in 1941 due to a holodeck malfunction where they are held hostage by murderous gangsters.

science fiction

06.11.22 Sun 11:00 12:00

Star Trek: The Next Generation Datalore. Datas android look-alike threatens to feed the Enterprise passengers and crew to a deadly crystal entity.

science fiction

06.11.22 Sun 12:00 13:00
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