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How I Met Your Mother Glitter. Lily can t stop talking about babies and its putting a strain on her relationship with Robin while Barney finds a copy of the Canadian childrens programme Space Teens starring Robins alter-eg


29.02.24 Th. 19:00 19:30

How I Met Your Mother Blitzgiving. Ted leaves early on a night out because hes preparing the Thanksgiving feast the following day. When Ted wakes up the next day the rest of the gang and Zoey whom they ve now befriended ar


29.02.24 Th. 19:30 20:00

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Disaster Averted: Barney is desperate to get rid of the ducky tie and drives a hard bargain to be allowed to remove it. Later, the gang reminisce about Hurricane Irene. (S7 Ep9/


02.03.24 Sat 06:20 07:00

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Broath: Barney tries to persuade his friends to meet Quinn and get to know her properly. However, Ted is convinced that Quinn is only after Barneys money. (S7 Ep19/24)


06.03.24 Wed 06:00 06:25

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Slutty Pumpkin Returns: Ted finally meets the mystery girl who attracted his attention by wearing a pumpkin costume at a Halloween party a decade previously. (S7 Ep8/24)


02.03.24 Sat 05:50 06:20

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Last Words: Its the day of Marshalls fathers funeral. Marshall is upset when he remembers that the last piece of advice his dad gave him was to watch Crocodile Dundee III. (S6 E


04.03.24 Mon 19:30 20:00

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Rebound Girl: Ted and Barney plan to adopt a child together because as men they feel they understand each other better than a man and a woman ever could. (S7 Ep11/24)


05.03.24 Tue 05:45 06:10

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Burning Beekeeper: Lily and Marshall throw a housewarming party at which Lilys father Mickey causes consternation by admitting he is keeping bees in the basement. (S7 Ep15/2


05.03.24 Tue 06:10 07:00

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Oh, Honey: Zoey sets Ted up on a date with her naive cousin. Ted realises that he loves Zoey but tries to push her away so that he doesnt cause trouble in her relationship. (S6


05.03.24 Tue 19:00 19:30

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Desperation Day: Barney declares February 13th to be Desperation Day: a holiday for women with low self-esteem because they are destined to be alone on Valentines Day. (S6 Ep16/


05.03.24 Tue 19:30 20:00

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Garbage Island: After Marshall sees a documentary about an island in the Pacific that is used as a landfill site, he becomes determined to save the environment. (S6 Ep17/24)


06.03.24 Wed 19:00 19:30

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother A Change of Heart: The friends have health checks in the wake of Marshalls dads fatal heart attack. Robin dates a man called Scooby who reminds the gang of a dog. (S6 Ep18/24)


06.03.24 Wed 19:30 20:00

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Good Crazy: Despite feigning indifference, Barney is plagued by jealousy as a result of his girlfriend Quinns job as a stripper and he tries to persuade her to switch careers. (


07.03.24 Th. 06:00 06:25

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Magicians Code (Part 1/2): Lily goes into labour while Marshall is in Atlantic City with Barney, so Ted and Robin try to distract her from her painful contractions. (S7 Ep23


07.03.24 Th. 06:25 07:00

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Exploding Meatball Sub: Marshalls decision to quit his job at the bank and take a volunteer position at an environmental organisation affects the whole gang. (S6 Ep20/24)


07.03.24 Th. 19:30 20:00

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Magicians Code (Part 2/2): Barney and Quinn take their first holiday together but get in trouble with airport security. Ted gets in touch with his ex-girlfriend Victoria. (S


08.03.24 Fri 05:35 06:00

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Farhampton: Ted reassures an anxious Robin on her wedding day, new parents Lily and Marshall suffer from sleep deprivation, and Barney reveals he hasnt been honest with Quinn.


08.03.24 Fri 06:00 06:25

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Hopeless: Barney is determined to show his dad that it was a mistake to have given up his former life of wild partying, drinking and sleeping around. (S6 Ep21/24)


08.03.24 Fri 19:00 19:30

How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Perfect Cocktail: Marshall and Barney fall out over the destruction of the Arcadian Hotel so Robin and Lily create a super cocktail that will force them to make up. (S6 Ep22


08.03.24 Fri 19:30 20:00

Anahita -- A Mothers Journey An Afghan refugee evacuates Kabul Afghanistan with her five children in August 2021 and begins a new life in Minneapolis.

special documentary special

05.03.24 Tue 23:00 00:00
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